Gender and Executive Job Mobility: Evidence from Mergers and Acquisitions, with Xiaohu Guo,* Vishal Gupta and Vikram Nanda, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Forthcoming
Featured in: Columbia Law School Blog
The Big Three and Board Gender Diversity: The Effectiveness of Shareholder Voice, with Todd Gormley, Vishal Gupta, David Matsa and Lukai Yang, Journal of Financial Economics, Forthcoming
Featured in: Quartz | Kellog Insight | Harvard Law School Blog
Short Sale Constraints and Corporate Investment: Cross-Country Evidence, with Xiaohu Deng, Vishal Gupta and Marc Lipson, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Forthcoming
Is Commercial Real Estate Gendered?, with Eren Cifci, Vishal Gupta and Alan Tidwell Journal of Real Estate Research, Forthcoming
Is There a Racial Gap in CEO Compensation, with Xiaohu Guo, Vishal Gupta, William Jackson, Journal of Corporate Finance, Forthcoming
Hedge Fund Hold’em, with Yan Lu and Sugata Ray, Journal of Financial Markets, Forthcoming
Featured in: Forbes
Why do private firms hold less cash than public firms? International evidence on cash holdings and borrowing costs, with Vikram Nanda and Natalia Reisel, Journal of Banking and Finance, Forthcoming
Commonality in Liquidity and Multilateral Trading Facilities with Pankaj Jain, and Mohamed Mekhaimer, Financial Review, Forthcoming
CFO Gender and Financial Statement Irregularities, with Vishal Gupta, Bidisha Chakrabarty, Xiaohu Guo and Daniel Turban, Academy of Management Journal, Forthcoming
Featured in: CFO Magazine | Harvard Law School Blog | WIP American Sociological Association Blog
You're Fired: Gender Disparities in CEO Dismissal, with Vishal Gupta, Sabatino Silveri, Minxing Sun and Dan Turban, Journal of Management, Forthcoming
Featured in: Forbes | Fortune | Columbia Law School Blog | Bloomberg | Business Insider | Global News | TUN | UA Research Magazine
The Role of Firm Investment in Momentum and Reversal, with Michael Schill, Journal of Empirical Finance, Forthcoming
Revisiting the Gender Gap in CEO Compensation: Replication and Extension of Hill, Upadhyay, and Beekun (2015)’s work on CEO Gender Pay Gap, with Vishal Gupta and Xiaohu Guo, Strategic Management Journal, Forthcoming
Featured in: NYT | Bloomberg | Harvard Law School Blog
Do Women CEOs Face Greater Threat of Shareholder Activism Compared to Male CEOs? A Role Congruity Perspective, with Vishal Gupta, Seonghee Han and Sabatino Silveri, Journal of Applied Psychology, 2018
Featured in: WSJ | WSJ | Bloomberg Video | Moneyish | Harvard Business Review | Harvard Law School Blog | STL Today
Entrepreneurial Orientation and Firm Value: Does Managerial Discretion Play a Role? with Vishal Gupta and Tianxia (Tina) Yang, Review of Managerial Science, 2018
The Impact of Market Structure on Ex-Dividend Day Stock Price Behavior, with Sabatino Silveri and Shishir Paudel, Financial Management, 2017
Market Illiquidity and Conditional Equity Premium, with Hui Guo, Robert Savickas, and Robert Wood, Financial Management, 2017
The Post-Acquisition Returns of Stock Deals: Evidence of the Pervasiveness of the Asset Growth Effect, with Michael Schill, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2015
Capital Allocation by Public and Private Firms, with Natalia Reisel, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2013
On the Scope and Drivers of the Asset Growth Effect, with Marc Lipson, and Michael Schill, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2011
Do Firms Believe in Interest Rate Parity?, with Matt McBrady and Michael Schill, Review of Finance, 2010
Corruption, Political Connections and Municipal Finance, with Alex Butler and Larry Fauver, Review of Financial Studies, 2009
Featured in: Forbes
Liquidity and Capital Structure, with Marc Lipson, Journal of Financial Markets, 2009
Stock Market Liquidity and the Decision to Repurchase, with Paul Brockman and John Howe, Journal of Corporate Finance, 2008
Liquidity and Firm Characteristics: Evidence from Mergers and Acquisitions, with Marc Lipson, Journal of Financial Markets, 2007
The Effect of Stock Splits on Clientele: Is Tick Size Relevant?, with Marc Lipson, Journal of Corporate Finance, 2006
Gender and Executive Job Mobility: Evidence from Mergers and Acquisitions, with Xiaohu Guo,* Vishal Gupta and Vikram Nanda, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Forthcoming
Featured in: Columbia Law School Blog
The Big Three and Board Gender Diversity: The Effectiveness of Shareholder Voice, with Todd Gormley, Vishal Gupta, David Matsa and Lukai Yang, Journal of Financial Economics, Forthcoming
Featured in: Quartz | Kellog Insight | Harvard Law School Blog
Short Sale Constraints and Corporate Investment: Cross-Country Evidence, with Xiaohu Deng, Vishal Gupta and Marc Lipson, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Forthcoming
Is Commercial Real Estate Gendered?, with Eren Cifci, Vishal Gupta and Alan Tidwell Journal of Real Estate Research, Forthcoming
Is There a Racial Gap in CEO Compensation, with Xiaohu Guo, Vishal Gupta, William Jackson, Journal of Corporate Finance, Forthcoming
Hedge Fund Hold’em, with Yan Lu and Sugata Ray, Journal of Financial Markets, Forthcoming
Featured in: Forbes
Why do private firms hold less cash than public firms? International evidence on cash holdings and borrowing costs, with Vikram Nanda and Natalia Reisel, Journal of Banking and Finance, Forthcoming
Commonality in Liquidity and Multilateral Trading Facilities with Pankaj Jain, and Mohamed Mekhaimer, Financial Review, Forthcoming
CFO Gender and Financial Statement Irregularities, with Vishal Gupta, Bidisha Chakrabarty, Xiaohu Guo and Daniel Turban, Academy of Management Journal, Forthcoming
Featured in: CFO Magazine | Harvard Law School Blog | WIP American Sociological Association Blog
You're Fired: Gender Disparities in CEO Dismissal, with Vishal Gupta, Sabatino Silveri, Minxing Sun and Dan Turban, Journal of Management, Forthcoming
Featured in: Forbes | Fortune | Columbia Law School Blog | Bloomberg | Business Insider | Global News | TUN | UA Research Magazine
The Role of Firm Investment in Momentum and Reversal, with Michael Schill, Journal of Empirical Finance, Forthcoming
Revisiting the Gender Gap in CEO Compensation: Replication and Extension of Hill, Upadhyay, and Beekun (2015)’s work on CEO Gender Pay Gap, with Vishal Gupta and Xiaohu Guo, Strategic Management Journal, Forthcoming
Featured in: NYT | Bloomberg | Harvard Law School Blog
Do Women CEOs Face Greater Threat of Shareholder Activism Compared to Male CEOs? A Role Congruity Perspective, with Vishal Gupta, Seonghee Han and Sabatino Silveri, Journal of Applied Psychology, 2018
Featured in: WSJ | WSJ | Bloomberg Video | Moneyish | Harvard Business Review | Harvard Law School Blog | STL Today
Entrepreneurial Orientation and Firm Value: Does Managerial Discretion Play a Role? with Vishal Gupta and Tianxia (Tina) Yang, Review of Managerial Science, 2018
The Impact of Market Structure on Ex-Dividend Day Stock Price Behavior, with Sabatino Silveri and Shishir Paudel, Financial Management, 2017
Market Illiquidity and Conditional Equity Premium, with Hui Guo, Robert Savickas, and Robert Wood, Financial Management, 2017
The Post-Acquisition Returns of Stock Deals: Evidence of the Pervasiveness of the Asset Growth Effect, with Michael Schill, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2015
Capital Allocation by Public and Private Firms, with Natalia Reisel, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2013
On the Scope and Drivers of the Asset Growth Effect, with Marc Lipson, and Michael Schill, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2011
Do Firms Believe in Interest Rate Parity?, with Matt McBrady and Michael Schill, Review of Finance, 2010
Corruption, Political Connections and Municipal Finance, with Alex Butler and Larry Fauver, Review of Financial Studies, 2009
Featured in: Forbes
Liquidity and Capital Structure, with Marc Lipson, Journal of Financial Markets, 2009
Stock Market Liquidity and the Decision to Repurchase, with Paul Brockman and John Howe, Journal of Corporate Finance, 2008
Liquidity and Firm Characteristics: Evidence from Mergers and Acquisitions, with Marc Lipson, Journal of Financial Markets, 2007
The Effect of Stock Splits on Clientele: Is Tick Size Relevant?, with Marc Lipson, Journal of Corporate Finance, 2006